- ALT (Assistant Language Teacher), or teaching jobs within the Japanese public school system. Here you generally teach kids from elementary school to high school students allowing you to have normal work schedule Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm. Sometimes you might have to work Saturdays but generally it is a standard schedule.
- Teaching at preschool and kindergarten schools. This job might require more experience with teaching children, since it is much different than teaching teens and above. Here you might have to have a bigger connection with not only the students, but the parents as well since they will want to be aware of how their kids are doing. The work hours are similar as the ALT jobs where it is more standard.
- Business English teaching is another rising type of job where you teach to businessmen/women that are looking to learn a higher level of English skills for their job. A lot of companies now hire specific English schools that help teach their employees English in order to use in their business. For this type of English teaching you might need a more structured lesson plan and will be in a more formal setting.
- Teaching jobs at private language institutes (also known as English conversation schools or Eikawas). Will range with the type of students you will encounter from teenagers to elderly. Students in these facilities will be more motivated to learn English since they are going out of their way to learn English in a more serious manner. Since it is a non-standard school, work schedule might be at non regular working times such as weekends and evenings, since most students will attend after work or when they are free. At Eikaiwas unlike the two previous types of jobs it is likely to be paid by lesson rather than a standard pay the whole day. So, it’ll depend more on how many customers you have.